Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Karen and Keith,

I figured that we could start on a basic blog and go from there. We can use this one as a base for our discussions.


  1. Great thanks for setting it up!

  2. I don't know if we want to create seperate blogs for our various classes then have them go to each other, or if we want to create one for all students (in theory) to access and use.

  3. In theory, I think it would be best if we had one blog for all our students to share, post and view. I think it would be easier.

  4. Thanks for getting this started. I like this much more then writing an article review.
    One blog is good for all of us.
    Where to start?

  5. I will be finished with school on wednesday...I will have more time to give to the project. We need to think about what are we going to pass out to the class about blogs.
    Also I would like to find out how to post pictures so my little ones can look at the pictures. I didin;t see where on this site we can post pictures.

  6. Let's get this blog moving...we have three weeks to work out the bumps.

  7. I agree that we need to get this moving, but we also need to get Keith on here as well.

  8. While we are waiting let's figure out what we can do to get going. I would like to post some pics of sports that we might use to so as an example. Also we need to think about what type of hand-out we are goin to pass out the last class. Should it be info on blogging and or samples of types of blogs? Just throwing things out there

  9. Katie
    I can type up some infor on Blogs and how we are using it..Let me know I can email to you when I have a good start

  10. Here is what I started...

    A blog is much simpler:
    • A blog is normally a single page of entries. There may be archives of older entries, but the "main page" of a blog is all anyone really cares about.
    • A blog is organized in reverse-chronological order, from most recent entry to least recent.
    • A blog is normally public -- the whole world can see it.
    • The entries in a blog usually come from a single author.
    • The entries in a blog are usually stream-of-consciousness. There is no particular order to them. For example, if I see a good link, I can throw it in my blog. The tools that most bloggers use make it incredibly easy to add entries to a blog any time they feel like it.
    Our Blog is being used in three different schools and across three grade levels. Katie is starting the Blog off with her high school students doing research about ancient history of sports. Her class will post pictures and entries about the different sports they have found through out historic times. Keith will be choosing one P.E. class to actually try the sport during their P.E. class. His class will then post what they thought of the game. Karen’s kindergarten class will view the pictures, try the games and have a class discussion about the comments that have been posted by the other two classes.

  11. Not so keen on the blog stuff I posted...will re-edit

  12. Wow, you two are great.
    I would also like to figure out how to post pictures and videos, so we will not only comment on how the games went, but also show.

  13. I foresee problem with my classes getting access to the blog. I would probably have to take time out of activities and get the laptops into the gym to do some blogging. Can be a day or two when the gym is not available. This would fit perfectly into my game unit, and I'm sur the principal would love it that we are integrating.

  14. A Blog is…
    A collaborative space
    A place to share your own voice and thoughts
    Personal journal or diary
    A collection of links
    A website to post
    Others can respond to your blog

  15. How can we add links to history of sports websites.. Katie since you set up the blog I think you are the only one who has the administrative authority? Not sure but I think it would be a good feature to add.

  16. We also need a brief outline of the project, maybe some pros and cons of what we experienced, and some helpful weblinks.

  17. Do we each have to do a write up/paper/presentation? I can't remember....

    If you don't, I'll shoot the prof. and email

  18. I emailed him...those were his suggestions I think we need one paper to pass out for our fellow classmates and we each need one summary of the experience. I am not sure what type of weblinks we should post. I look up some sport history things.

  19. Here are a few weblinks





  20. So is our write up for each or our specific parts, almost like a lesson plan?

  21. Katie
    Do you have to enable the post edit options for us because I can only post and not edit. I looked at the help and we are suppose to be able to put pics and vids in with the post edit option, but I have nothing but a post comment tab.

  22. If you guys give me your email addresses, I can add you to the Author's list. That will allow you to initiate threads.

  23. ctkkk@comcast.net

    Karen's home email

  24. Here are the comments from Prof. about the summary and handouts:
    If you have any thoughts,ideas please share so we can be on the same page.

    The summary does not have to be extensive. You should include a brief outline of your project, maybe some pros and cons of what you experienced, and some helpful weblinks that other students in the classroom can use. Include enough information to explain what happened with your technology, so your classmate/colleauges can get an idea of your project before the final presentations.
    Your handouts should be a reference for you to use while you are presenting your project. This will also give your classmates and I a reference point in case we want to incorporate your technology for future use in our classrooms. We should be able to see what happened with your fieldwork experience, what worked well and what didn't, and some useful resources that will help us in the future.
    I hope this helps, but if I have been as-clear-as mud, please let me know.

    - Professor Bialk

  25. My printer is not working could I email one or both of you the handout stuff I started. This way you can view, edit, add and print out enough handouts for the class

  26. Go to CUC web site and see the fieldwork tab We need to post our summary there.

  27. fieldwork summary is under discussions

  28. my e-mail

  29. How are we to give all that info when we are not actually incorporating this into our classes yet? I can come up with some things I think might happen, is that what we are suppose to do?

  30. It is suppose it be in theory. I emailed you through cuc what I had started. Maybe we can all meet early on Tuesday before class to make sure what we are presenting?

  31. Also the summary needs to be posted before class on Tuesday

  32. I can meet anytime on Tuesday What works for you guys?

  33. Iforgot where we are meeting. Can we meet early there or somewhere close by?

  34. trinity lutheran school 405 rush street, roselle
    I do not have the handouts completed printer is not working...
