Monday, July 5, 2010

Do you want to meet at the Schaumburg Library or a Starbucks (not sure if there is one on the way ) that way we have acess to wifi if needed? I can meet at 3:00 that gives us a little over an hour How does that sound? The school we are meeting at is off Roselle pass Iriving Park Rd.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Here is what I am going to sumbit for the summary I will post to cuc on Monday
Please let me know if there is something I need to add before Monday
Katie do you have anything you want to add to it or change

Our Blog is being used in three different schools and across three grade levels. Katie is starting the Blog off with her high school students doing research about ancient history of sports. Her class will post pictures and entries about the different sports they have found through out historic times. Keith will be choosing one P.E. class to actually try the sport during their P.E. class. His class will then post what they thought of the game. Karen’s kindergarten class will view the pictures; have a class discussion about the comments that have been posted by the other two classes. We will post pictures of the kindergarten students participating in their own sports.
TimeWarpTrio demonstrates various games played during the Greek Olympics.
There are some settings I am not able to access...I think it is the layout of the page. I would like to add web links and videos.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

safe at first

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Karen and Keith,

I figured that we could start on a basic blog and go from there. We can use this one as a base for our discussions.